Saturday, July 16, 2005


People in wizard outfits and children too young to be awake clog the midnight sidewalks of Harvard Sq as muggles line up to get copies of the new Harry Potter book (which is already breaking all kinds of sales records). Its great to see people caring so much about books in this age of digital media!

I also love the how these folks are simultaneously inventing and studying a mythical world. As you explore this online world, layers of irony unfold. Here is a group of consumers who are simultaneously breaking sales records for books while celebrating their love of the books using the digital techology that threatens the whole publishing industry according to future histories of the media. Such is the mixed and mashed nature of reality here at the dawn of the digital age. Nothing is as it seems and everything can be what you want it to be.

A final irony in all this is that I am told the hardcore Potter fans call themselves muggles. First off, the multiple meanings of the term suggest some other potential explanations for the obsessions of these Potterheads. Reports from the ground suggest it was a real party. Then again, maybe Rowling just likes Louis Armstrong. Which brings us full circle as Louis made no secret of his love for the muggles himself.

But the strangest thing of all is that the map of Mugglechusetts looks really familiar. Is that what this Red vs. Blue mix up has been all about?!??!


Blogger seacrestcheadle said...

"Nothing is as it seems and everything can be what you want it to be." Ha ha ha! If only that really were true!

2:52 PM  

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